Financial release
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H1 2017-2018 revenue

33% growth in half-year revenue reaching €89.9 million

This 1st half-year confirms the excellent trends seen in previous quarters. The enthusiasm for our FreePrints applications is confirmed month after month and the successful deployment in new geographical zones means we can anticipate steady growth in our revenue. Likewise, the strategic partnerships signed by myDevices in this first half-year should shortly be reflected in the business of our IoT subsidiary. The transformation of Avanquest’s business model in the Internet sector is on track and should enable us to significantly improve the profitability of this business”, commented Pierre Cesarini, CEO of the Claranova group.

The Claranova group has published consolidated revenue for the first half of the year (1 July – 31 December 2017) of €89.9 million, up 33% at constant scope and exchange rates.

As in previous quarters, the Group’s business continues to be driven by the excellent performance of PlanetArt which generated revenue totalling €69 million in the first half-year. It is up 49% at constant scope and exchange rates (+40% including the impact of foreign exchange rates).

This steady growth in PlanetArt’s revenue is largely due to the upward trend of its FreePrints and FreePrints Photobooks mobile apps since their launch, the simplest, cheapest and most comprehensive solutions on the market for printing photos and photo albums from your smartphone.

This strong growth in PlanetArt’s turnover in the first half-year comes with a significant improvement in its gross profit due to the ever-increasing monetisation of its customer base, contributing to an improvment in the division’s profitability while maintaining a strong growth strategy.

Press Release